Introducing Spatialwork
Explore the top features of Spatialwork
3D Layout Editor
Create and adjust the 3D layout of your facilities. Whether it is a manufacturing plant, a warehouse, or a building, SpatialWork has you covered.
Data Visualization
Create your own data visualization charts from a wide range of templates that will suit your needs. Bring them to the right place in your 3D space. Think of it as a 3D version of Power BI or 3D version of Tableau.
Volumentric Live System
Hiverlab's proprietary AI-powered computer vision solution allows for generation of live Digital Twins based on CCTV camera feeds. Obtain real-time updates and insights of your spaces and operations with VLS.
Dynamic Object
There may be moving objects in your live Digital Twin, e.g. AGVs, cars, human beings, etc. SpatialWork supports the live visualization and analytics of such dynamic objects. Link the data from systems such as IoT systems directly into SpatialWork for live visualization and analysis.
Spatial AI
Hiverlab’s multisensory AI model that links multiple streams of data (e.g. text, speech, visual data), allowing users to interact with machines and databases via a Large Language Model interface, to obtain contextual information and insights through natural language.
Extended Reality View
Visualize 3d layout, dynamic object and live data in real environment with augmented reality, powered by spatialwork mobile